Twitter for Business: Keys to Success

With more than 300 million users and 500 million tweets a day, Twitter is a social network that you can’t lose sight of as part of your digital marketing strategy. You can see Twitter not only as a medium in which to share content, but you can also use it to interact with your audience, promote your brand, know what is said about you as well as explore trends that you can take advantage of.

According to the report, it is important to show yourself as a receptive company. This attitude, indicates the research, may be one of the factors that influence a user to be encouraged to purchase our product or service.

Twitter users are three times more likely than Facebook users to follow a brand and become customers, according to Edison Research.

What to do?

Before listing a series of actions to implement on Twitter, it is important that as a company you are clear about what you want to achieve, when and how. What are you looking for? More customers? Increase brand visibility or reach 100,000 followers?

Once this is clear, analyze what resources you have to achieve these goals and determine how long you plan to reach them. This will allow you to realistically measure your progress.

Then stop:

  • observe the competition (its weaknesses and strengths)
  • identify your audience
  • determine the tone of your messages
  • build the differential value of your brand or what makes it unique or different from the competition.

With this already developed, you will have to decide whether to use a single account on Twitter or different for each product or service you offer. For example, there are newspapers that manage different accounts for each section.

The strategy you decide to follow on Twitter should be unique to this medium. It can’t be the same one you use on Facebook or Instagram. Each network has its own characteristics, users and tone. Replicating content from one network to another may seem like an easy strategy, but you lose authenticity in front of your audience.

Step by step

First of all, tell the world who you are. Choose carefully each of the words that will describe you in your biography. You have 280 characters for this purpose. You will have to transmit the identity of the brand, what you do and, if you can, your slogan or a hashtag that invites you to share brand experiences. A good biography facilitates your appearance in search results and is a direct channel for your customers to contact you, ask questions or make comments.

Then you must verify the account. The blue check tells customers that your brand is who it says it is and determines that it is a public interest account. This is particularly useful for brands linked to music, fashion, government, journalism, sports or politics.

Remember that your Twitter account should convey the personality of your brand. Watch the tone with which you address your followers. And apply Social Media Listening to your brand name, the new products you launch and the competition. Don’t forget to include spelling mistakes in this list. It also applies Social Listening to keywords in the industry in which you move or names of the CEOs.

Voices that matter

Don’t lose sight of the influencers and experts in your field on Twitter. It is known that at least 40% of Twitter users have made a purchase as a result of some tweet of an influencer and another 49% say they trust influential people in the sector when looking for product or service recommendations.

Look what Visa has done: it promoted the Viajeros project in which different artists were invited to travel around the world. María Luque, an Argentine cartoonist, promoted the campaign on her Twitter account.

While Mastercard in Peru promoted a Twitter campaign with the hashtag #AceptoLoNuevo hiring a well-known television figure from that country: Ricardo Morán who has a million and a half followers in this network.

Great content

Take advantage of the 280 characters that Twitter gives you to write. Your messages should be easy to read, targeted at your audience and maintain the tone of your brand. When sharing current content, make use of applications like Trendspottr and if you want to shorten urls you can use Bitly, for example.

The Virtual School of Digital Journalism Journalism Classes always makes good use of shorteners and shares content that interests your target audience.

Do not focus your content only on information related to your brand or new product launches, you can also incorporate what gives added value to your brand. For example, Entel de Chile shares tips and information about applications that can be downloaded to your cell phone.

It is essential to use hashtags, as they ensure that the content of a brand is seen by as many followers as possible. In addition, they allow you to classify the content so that your tuits are grouped with the relevant content on this network.

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