What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a new player in this field of Digital Marketing where brands and consumers face each other.

If this is so, there is no doubt that there is room to ask ourselves: has advertising changed, has the way of seeing the product or the brand changed, has the consumer changed?

If this is the present, what will the future hold for us when it comes to marketing?

Evolution reached marketing and advertising.

As expected, techniques and approaches, when it comes to consumption of products and services, had to change, not only because the speed at which the world moves demands it, but also because of the value and weight of the market today.

As consumers, it is easy to describe our need in this new millennium: we want everything and we want it now.

To understand all the variants that affect Social Media Marketing, we must break down step by step what this term means.

What is Social Media Marketing?
Social Media Marketing is the concept by which we refer to a series of tools that put into action open different communication channels in the digital world.

The key of all concepts is that Social Media Marketing refers to the strategic creation of a new communication channel with 100% digital audience.

It is no surprise that marketing has had to find a way to evolve with consumer needs.

Those who have gone from being just a consumer entity to becoming an audience, with opinions of such value and weight on the web that they can give wings to a campaign or destroy it in two by three.

This is how Social Media Marketing was born; the answer to the search for a new way of communication to relate brands and products with each and every one of the Internet surfers who surf the web daily.

For its part, Social Media Marketing is such a broad term that many people seeking to boost the image of your company ask: “What is Social Media Marketing? This is a common question, especially because it is too broad a term and also encompasses many things.

The definition of Social Media Marketing is difficult to describe, but a very popular definition says that it is the methodical use of Marketing with other technological and technical concepts to achieve specific objectives for a company.

In simple terms, Social Media Marketing means building a business through many different means, such as viral videos and blogs, in order to give exposure to a company.

The participation of the community of people and society in general has boosted the growth of Social Media Marketing.

Almost nobody participates in any kind of social platform, neither in the exchange of e-mails, nor in the chat, nor in the publication of photographs, nor in the exchange of music, etc.

With the growing number of online community participation, social networks have become an important medium that is being explored by suppliers, who find the most effective way to approach customers and get to know them deeply.

Sellers have the double advantage of being able to contact those who have already become their customers and have experienced their products, as well as potential customers who may be inclined or influenced to buy the product.

Unlike traditional media where readers or viewers are passive participants, the social network is a place where customers actively participate and exchange information, sharing experiences, giving their opinions and comments based on their understanding.

This means that markets can interact with the customer in real time and benefit from communication.

The organization really gets to “listen” to the customer and better understand the customer’s perception of the brand, as well as the product, etc.

Social media channels help build collective opinion and precipitate healthy debates on relevant issues. The second important feature is that Social Media Marketing is spread through the variety of channels and media compared to the limited channels that the press and media operate.

Social Media works with several tools, including audio, video, text, audio pods, and private forums, public discussion forums, SMS, chat, emails, as well as blogs, etc. Thirdly, Social Media is a dynamic and flexible medium that keeps changing content, tools and evolving all the time.

As participants continue to provide input and the collective wisdom of the group’s results in changing and updating content, it creates the demand for more tools that will be available. Fourth, social media requires a different type of provider involvement.

Unlike traditional media in which vendors conduct customer-designed campaigns and advertisements focused on a particular audience or group, social media allows participants to lead the discussion and vendors should listen, rather than lead the discussion.

Vendors need to approach potential customers indirectly, helping to build public opinion and then directing them indirectly toward interest in their product.

Social media is evolving at a very fast pace and online are the technological tools that are available.

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